Sit Cancellation Terms
for Pet Sitters

Sit Cancellation Terms for Pet Sitters – Deluxe Plan

Last updated: 21st April 2024

The Trust My Pet Sitter’s Plan in the event of a short notice Pet Parent Cancellation
We offer, on a goodwill basis and at our sole discretion, a plan to Pet Sitters in respect of loss from having to source Alternative Accommodation due to a Pet Parent cancelling unexpectedly, subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations shown below, as defined by the Maximum Limit or as amended in writing by us.
Pet Sitters must comply with all requirements and conditions in this Plan in order to be eligible to benefit from this Plan.
This Plan is offered at our sole discretion and only to Pet Sitters who have an active deluxe membership and have agreed and confirmed a Pet Sit on the Trust My Pet Sitter Platform, with a start date within their paid membership term.
This Plan is not an insurance policy and is not intended to replace the Pet Sitters’ own insurance contracts. It is the responsibility of the Pet Sitter to ensure that they have appropriate insurance in place to cover losses from having to source alternative accommodation due to a Pet Parent cancelling unexpectedly.
If loss is suffered by a Pet Sitter as a result of having to source alternative accommodation due to a Pet Parent cancelling unexpectedly, we may at our sole discretion pay the Pet Sitter up to $1500 (or foreign currency equivalent), at a limit of $150 per night, for up to 14 nights per membership year.
B. Definitions
“Alternative Accommodation” means paid accommodation in a premises such as a hotel, guest house or licensed rental accommodation.
“Cancellation” means a confirmed Pet Sit arrangement is cancelled prior to the start date or the Pet Sit is abandoned prior to the agreed end date.
''Maximum Limit'' means $1500 per Pet Sit, or its equivalent in the currency where the home is located, at the exchange rate applicable shown on on the date of payment. Within this $1500 total limit, there is a per night limit of $150.
''payment request form'' means the standard form, accessible by contacting Trust My Pet Sitter Account Management Team directly, that a Pet Sitter uses to request payment from us pursuant to this Plan.
“Pet” means pets covered by this Plan. This Plan exclusively covers domestic dogs and cats only and does not extend coverage to dangerous or wild animals.
“Pet Parent(s)” means pet parent members who join our platform at Trust My Pet Sitter and have been approved by an Account Manager for a ‘Live’ Membership. A Pet Parent must be the person who has legally acquired the pet, through purchase, adoption, or a legal transfer of ownership and can provide evidence to support this if required. The term Pet Parent is interchangeable with the term Owner. Each Pet may only have one Pet Parent under this Plan (or where there is more than one Pet Parent listed for a Pet, the aggregate benefit that we may at our discretion provide under this Plan will not be more than it would be if only one Pet Parent was listed).
“Plan” means this discretionary Sit Cancellation Plan for Pet Sitters.
'Platform'' means accessing the services provided at our website at via our Account Management Team, or our mobile application.
''Pet Sit'' means a stay by a Pet Sitter(s) at a home for an agreed period of time organised, confirmed and accepted through our platform.
''Sitter(s)'' means eligible adult individuals or families who have agreed to our terms and conditions who have organised to stay in a home including individuals invited to be present at a home by the sitter(s) during a Pet Sit.
"Terms of Service” means our Terms of Service. 
“Unexpectedly” means a cancellation that occurs 14 days or less before the agreed Pet Sit start date or during the Pet Sit, but before the agreed end date.
''We/Us/Our'' means Trust My Pet Sitter.

C. Are there circumstances where we will never pay under this Plan?

This Plan is offered at our sole discretion but in any event, we will never pay Pet Sitters under this Plan where:
  • The Pet Sitter initiates the Sit cancellation.
  • The Sit cancellation is mutually agreed between the Pet Parent and the Pet Sitter.
  • The Pet Sitter arranges alternative accommodation without incurring accommodation costs, such as accommodation provided by the Pet Sitter's family or friends.
  • The Sitter has not incurred any financial loss as a result of the Pet Sit cancellation.
  • The Sitter had a reasonable option not to travel, which would have prevented incurring cost (such as refundable travel bookings, plans that could be amended)
  • The alternative accommodation that the Pet Sitter uses is further than 20 miles (32 kilometres) from the location of the original Pet Sit.
  • The Sitter fails to provide receipts detailing dates, per night cost of accommodation and expenses they have paid.
  • For losses in excess of the Maximum Limit.
  • When the Pet Sit is cancelled due to a breach of Our Terms of Service or code of conduct by the Sitter.
  • The Sitter has arranged a suitable alternative Pet Sit through our platform
  • When the Sit is cancelled due to regulations set by the government of any country (such as travel restrictions, enforced quarantining, area lockdowns).
  • If Pet Sitters, or anyone acting for Pet Sitters makes, or attempts to commit fraud, such as a false or exaggerated claim, We will reject the payment request form and any subsequent payment request forms. We will notify the Pet Sitter if we do this.
(a) If we have made any payments in respect of fraudulent activities, Pet Sitters must repay that sum to us.
(b) if there has been fraudulent activity to secure any benefits under this Plan this will result in no payment being made.
(c) We may also notify the relevant authorities, so that they may consider criminal proceedings.
We shall not provide any benefit or be liable to provide any benefit under this Plan which:
(a) would breach economic, financial or trade sanctions imposed under the law of the country in which the Terms are issued or would otherwise provide benefit, or;
(b) would breach economic, financial or trade sanctions imposed by Canada, the European Union, United Kingdom or the United States of America;
(c) all other terms provisions and conditions of this Plan shall have full force and effect.

D. How can a Sitter recover costs/losses from us?

This Plan is offered at our sole discretion but to be considered for payment under this Plan, the following conditions must be complied with. Failure to fully comply may mean we decline to offer you any payment under the Plan. In all cases, the onus will be upon Pet Sitters to demonstrate that they have complied with the following conditions.
The maximum we will pay under this Plan is the higher of $150 per adult Pet Sitter per night or $150 per family per night, up to the total value of $1500.
1. Sitter Contribution
The Pet Sitters must contribute $100 towards any payment request made against this Plan.
2. Cancelled Sit Notification
Pet Sitters must notify Trust My Pet Sitter within 24 hours of a Pet Sit being cancelled and provide correspondence that confirms the cancellation.
3. Alternative Pet Sit
(a) Where time allows, Pet Sitters must allow Trust My Pet Sitter to recommend alternative Pet Sits that may be of interest
(b) Where a Pet Parents cancel a Pet Sit at short notice or during the Sit, Pet Sitters must allow us to attempt to source an alternative Pet Sit where possible.
4. Pet Sitters must provide receipts detailing dates, daily costs of accommodation and expenses they have paid.
Pet Sitters will need to:
(a) complete a payment request form, and
(b) deliver a signed and sworn proof of loss.
6. Information requests
Pet Sitters must provide Trust My Pet Sitter with all information it reasonably requests to help facilitate a claim.
7. Cooperation
Pet Sitters must cooperate with Trust My Pet Sitter, including signing any documents, and timely responding to any reasonable requests for additional information or documentation that Trust My Pet Sitter or its designees may require or request to process the applicable payment request form.

E. Conditions

Acknowledgments and agreements by Pet Sitters.
1. Purpose of the Plan
Pet Sitters acknowledge and agree that:
a. This Plan is offered at our sole discretion and this Plan does not constitute an offer to insure, nor does it constitute insurance or an insurance contract, and does not take the place of insurance obtained or obtainable by you. Furthermore, this Plan is not an insurance service agreement as defined in a standard ISO renter’s or homeowner’s insurance policy.  To the extent Pet Sitters desire protection beyond this discretionary Plan (such as the insurable losses covered by a travel insurance or other policy), Pet Sitters may wish to purchase third-party insurance (Pet Sitters should be aware that such insurance may not always cover losses caused by Pet Parent(s) cancellation and should carefully check the terms of any third-party cover they obtain).
b. Trust My Pet Sitter reserves the right to independently investigate (or to have independently investigated) at our sole discretion and expense, the facts and circumstances of a payment request set forth in any payment request form that Pet Sitters file with Trust My Pet Sitter, notwithstanding delivery of all information and materials that are required.
(c) For any Sit cancellation, the Sitter must first allow Trust My Pet Sitter to attempt to source an alternative registered Pet Sit, before seeking recourse to this Plan.
2. Pet Parents/Sitter(s) Communications
Pet Sitters acknowledge and agree that when requesting us to exercise our discretion and offer payment under this Plan, they give Trust My Pet Sitter consent to review all communications between Pet Parents and Sitter, on and off the platform.
3. Offsetting
Pet Sitters acknowledge and agree that Trust My Pet Sitter reserves the right, at any time, to offset or deduct from the amounts payable or paid by Trust My Pet Sitter to Pet Sitters under this Plan, any amounts that Pet Sitters may have in their possession, or to subsequently collect, from any other person or entity who is obligated to pay Pet Sitters for losses.
4. Changes to this Plan
Pet Sitters acknowledge and agree that to the extent permissible by applicable law in your jurisdiction, Trust My Pet Sitter may modify or terminate this Plan, at any time, at our sole discretion.
If we terminate this Plan, we will provide Pet Parents and Sitter(s) with notice by email at least thirty (30) days before such termination and we may at our discretion continue to process all payment request forms that you filed prior to the effective date of termination, but your right to file any new payment request form after the effective date of termination will immediately end.
If we modify this Plan, We will post the modification on Trust My Pet Sitter' website. We may at our discretion continue to process all payment request forms that you filed prior to the effective date of the modification.
In addition to and without limiting our rights set forth above in the immediately preceding paragraph, We may modify or terminate this Plan generally or in any jurisdiction, at any time, in its sole discretion, if:
(a) this Plan is construed to be an offer to insure or constitutes insurance, an insurance contract or an insurance service agreement by any governmental or regulatory authority in any jurisdiction;
(b) We are required to obtain a license or permit of any kind to continue to provide this Plan in any jurisdiction; or
(c) We determine that a court, arbitrator, regulatory or other authority holds that the provisions of this Plan violate applicable law or regulation.
If we modify or terminate this Plan in accordance with the foregoing, We may (at our sole discretion) process all payment request forms that are filed prior to or as of the effective date of such modification or termination unless such processing is prohibited by law, regulation, ordinance, order, or decree of any governmental or other authority.
5. Transferring Pet Sitters’ interests
Pet Sitters may not transfer their interest in this Plan to anyone else without our written consent.
6. Subrogation
Trust My Pet Sitter have the right to subrogate against any person or entity whatsoever who allegedly is responsible for causing the losses in question, even if that person or entity are Pet Parents and/or Sitter(s). Further, Pet Sitters hereby agree that, with respect to any payments made under the Plan by, or on behalf of, Trust My Pet Sitter, Pet Sitters will assist in and cooperate fully with Trust My Pet Sitter regarding all efforts at subrogation.
7. Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability
If Pet Sitters choose to use Trust My Pet Sitter, then Pet Sitters do so at their sole risk. This Plan is provided “as is”, and at our sole discretion, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
Pet Sitters acknowledge and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the entire risk arising out of their access to and use of the Trust My Pet Sitter, and their arranging of any Pet Sits  via Trust My Pet Sitter remains with them. Neither Trust My Pet Sitter nor any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Pet Sit will be liable for any incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, including lost profits, loss of data or loss of goodwill, service interruption, computer damage or system failure, or for any damages for:
(a) personal or bodily injury or emotional distress arising out of or in connection with this Plan;
(b) from the use of or inability to use Trust My Pet Sitter;
(c) from any communications, interactions, or meetings with other users of the Trust My Pet Sitter Platform or other persons with whom you communicate or interact as a result of your use of the Trust My Pet Sitter Platform.
Trust My Pet Sitter will not be liable for any such damages described above, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), product liability or any other legal theory, and whether Trust My Pet Sitter has been informed of the possibility of such damage, even if a limited remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose.
  1. Contacting Trust My Pet Sitter
If you have any questions about this plan, please contact your Account Manager representative at Trust My Pet Sitter.