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May 26, 20245 Benefits of Owning Cats Without Hair
If a typical furry feline isn’t quite the pet for you, consider the unique option of cats without hair! These bald cats have a wide variety of health benefits, as well as grooming and personality quirks that will make anyone pause and take notice. Learn all about why these hypoallergenic kitties are the perfect companions for allergy sufferers or those looking for something special in their pets.
Angela Fagan CEO Trust My Pet Sitter “Hairless cats are a relatively new phenomenon, only coming into existence within the last century. And while they may look a bit odd at first glance, they can actually make for very loving and loyal pets.”
Easy Grooming – Hairless cats require no brushing, combing or frequent trips to the groomer!
Hairless cats require no grooming, which eliminates a lot of the stress associated with bathing and brushing a furry cat. Since most hairless cats are low-maintenance when it comes to grooming, your time can be better spent playing and relaxing with them. In addition, because these cats don’t shed, you won’t have to worry about keeping your home allergen-free or dealing with any clean-up for messes when it’s time for a cut or shave.
The Different Types of Hairless Cats
Cats with no hair are a relatively new phenomenon, only coming into existence within the last century. And while they may look a bit odd at first glance, they can actually make for very loving and loyal pets. If you’re thinking about getting a hairless cat, then you’ll need to know about the available different types. Here’s a quick overview of the most popular hairless cat breeds
Sphynx Cats
The Sphynx Cat is by far the most popular type of hairless cat. These cats are known for their wrinkled skin and their outgoing, social personalities. Sphynx cats are also very intelligent and can be trained to do tricks like any other type of cat. However, because they don’t have any fur, they require a bit more maintenance than your average housecat. Sphynx cats need to be bathed regularly and protected from the sun, as their skin is very sensitive. But if you’re willing to put in the extra work, then a Sphynx can make for a great pet.
Peterbald Cats
Peterbald cats are similar to Sphynx cats in that they are also hairless and have wrinkled skin. However, Peterbalds are not as closely related to Sphynxes as one might think. In fact, Peterbalds were actually created by crossing a Donskoy (a type of Russian hairless cat) with an Oriental Shorthair. As a result, Peterbalds tend to be more slender than Sphynxes and have longer legs. They also have fewer wrinkles and softer skin. Like Sphynxes, Peterbalds require regular baths and sun protection. But if you’re looking for a hairless cat that’s a bit more low-maintenance than a Sphynx, then a Peterbald might be right for you.
Donskoy Cats
Donskoy Cats are the Russian answer to hairless cats. These cats were actually some of the first hairless cats to be bred, with the first known Donskoy being born back in 1987. Donskoys share many similarities with Sphynxes, including their wrinkled skin and lack of fur. However, Donskoys tend to be larger than Sphynxes and have longer tails. They also have webbed toes, which give them somewhat of a swimming capability (although we wouldn’t recommend putting them in water). Like all hairless cats, Donskoys require regular baths and sun protection. But if you’re looking for a hairless cat with some unique physical features, then a Donskoy might be right up your alley.
Sphynxes, Peterbalds, and Donskoys are the main cats with no hair. All three types require regular bathing and sun protection due to their lack of fur. However, each type has its own unique physical features and personality traits that make it special in its own way.